How To Manage Stress
Useful Contact Details
Useful Contact Information

Adult Mental Health Services
Riverview Resource Centre - 01398 812070
Goldenhill Resource Centre - 0141 941 4400
Primary Care Mental Health Team - 01389 8122012
Police and NHS
Emergency - 999
Non-Emergency - 101
NHS - 111
Citizen's Advice
Dumbarton - 01389 744690
Clydebank - 0141 435 7590
Alexandria - 01389 975727
Health Centre
Dumbarton Health Centre - 01389 763111
Vale Health Centre - 01389 828200
Clydebank Health Centre - 0141 531 6490
Dumbarton - 01389 731456
Clydebank - 0141 952 0881
Other Useful Contacts
Alzheimer Scotland - 0808 808 3000
Dementia Advisor - 0141 410 5303
Breathing Space - 0800 83 85 87
Stepping Stones (Mental Health) - 0141 941 2929
CARA (Challenging and respond to abuse) - 01389 738595
Samaritans - 08457 909090
Crisis Councelling - 0141 812 8474
Clydebank Women's Aid - 0141 952 8118
Dumbarton Women's Aid - 01389 975036
Carers for WEst Dunbartonshire - 0141 841 1550
The Richmond Fellowship - 01389 726800
Woman’s Aid - 01389 751036
SSPCA – Animal Helpline - 03000 999 999
Lomond and Argyll Advocacy Service - 01389 726543
Turning Point - 0141 427 8200
WDC Emergency Homeless - 0800 192 1004
WDC for Voluntary Services - 0141 941 0886
Welfare Rights - 01389 737050
WDC Community Foodshare - 179 High Street
Useful Websites
Childline - 0800 1111 -
Young Minds -
SAMH - 0141 530 1000 -
See Me -
Samaritans - 08457 90 90 90 -
Breathing Space - 0800 83 85 87 -
NHS 24 - 111 -